Do you ever feel as if you're searching for something too hard and too much? It's a bit like looking for your glasses and realizing that they've been on your head the whole time. Or searching for your car keys and realizing they were in your pocket the whole time - or right in front of you.
I'm going through something similar - I'm searching for myself. I'm looking for what I want to be (... when I grow up ..). I have it narrowed down, of course, and I know what I'm good at and what I'm comfortable with, but there's also something that I've always wanted to do that I was never sure if I could or not.
This may sound silly, but over the past couple of days, I started taking Career Placement Tests on-line. They confirmed what I've been telling myself. I don't know if I'm too stubborn to really listen or if I'm too scared to go for it. I've done many things for the first time before; why should this be any different?
Here are a few things I've done and that I'm pretty okay at:
1. Writing
2. Wardrobe Head/Theater
3. Making jewelry
4. Dancing
Now, here's a couple of things that I kinda, sorta, possibly, maybeokayIreallydo! want to pursue:
5. Make-up (SFX)
6. Forensic Science/Fed. agent
..... Yes, I'm hearing crickets. I thought so. Yes, I realize that number six doesn't quite fit in with my Artistic qualities above it. This is my obstacle. But obstacles are thrown in your way so you can build yourself up - become stronger. And along the way, learn who you are.
"The learning and knowledge that we have, is, at the most, but little compared with that of which we are ignorant." ~Plato